Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Theme Song

Nothing against the three of you that voted for the current theme song but it was also pointed out to me that none of those options were really songs. While I am insulted by that attack to my production skills, I also feel like there was room for improvement and that using Samuel L. Jackson clips was cheesy. I like cheesy but, anyway, the great band Boogie Monster from The 'Couv (that's Vancouver in Canada, kids) has granted us the clearance to use their fantastic track, "Castle In The Clouds," to kick off each show. I am excited for it, they're excited for it (I tried to temper their enthusiasm by saying that our listeners are still in single digits), and hopefully it will excite you too. So, listen to their debut album, Zechimechi, below. If you like it, BUY it. The MP3 is only $5 and it's awesome. If you want the vinyl and don't want to wait for it to come in from across the border (and are in the Chicago area), I have a few of them I could sell for a fair price. Bottom line: they deserve the support as much as this show, if not more. Won't you help?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Episode I: The Phantom Menage

Here is, the first podcast. We discuss Star Wars, Mexican food, and female popstars. Life's important issues.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Post-Super Bowl Blues

No football makes me a bit sad. But...there is something to look forward to.

And, I swear, the first podcast will be up soon.