Friday, January 27, 2012

First Episode Coming Soon

Anyone that knows me is probably aware that my family and I are poor (your family poor, Kenny!). As that is the case, it has taken some creative ways to procure the funds for the proper recording equipment to record this podcast. Well, I am happy to announce the microphone is in the mail, or at least, soon to be. One last note, there are only 3 more days to vote for the Tipping Sacred Cows theme song. Why haven't you done this yet? It's three minutes out of your wretched existence to pass judgment on three "songs" (happy, Amanda?) and, therefore, me as well. I'm putting myself out there. The least you can do is judge me.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Vote For The Tipping Sacred Cows Theme Song

OK. Finally found I site I know and trust to host these shenanigans. So, first order of business is the theme song. I have three options for you. Vote for the one you like. Or none of them, just tell me I suck at this and should just go back to my lonely, miserable existence.